Sunday 15 May 2016

The Chomskyan Revolution

What is The Chomskyan Revolution? 

As we have seen during the different previous entries, Noam Chomsky is one of the most relevant figures of all times, and we do not talk only about linguistics. Chomsky has created huge controversy all over the world with multiple statements and diverse opinions.

Barman (2012: 114) points out that "Noam Chomsky has been called the intellectual ancestor of linguistic essentialism, which aims to identify the intrinsic properties of language per se."

Because of Noam Chomsky's multiple debates, he has been declared one of the most influential people of all times. Noam Chomsky has strong political, social and linguistic opinions and critics; so, every time he states and declares his own opinion on different subjects, he creates a huge controversy and revolution all over the world.



Noam Chomsky is one of the most relevant linguists from the 20th century until nowadays. In this essay, I will discuss Chomsky’s contributions such as linguistics and political debates with all the controversy he has created. First of all, I will discuss his ideas about Transformational Generative Grammar and Universal Grammar, both based on mentalist philosophy, which led to a linguistic revolution. Secondly, I will write about Chomsky’s controversy in politics. Chomsky has also declared his own political opinions. He is a declared liberal and he positions his ideals on America’s political left with controversial declarations, activism and public speaking. There is no doubt that Chomsky is one of the most relevant people that we have ever seen with his own opinions because, as he has always said, the world is a complex place, and there is no easy or simple answer or solution for every problem and question that we have to face.

Keywords: activism, Chomsky, controversy, debate, generative, grammar, human, language, linguistics, mentalist, opinion, political, philosophy, universal, world.

How to create a revolution? 
In this video, Noam Chomsky himself explains the different steps that we should take into account in order to start a revolution:

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